Freelance, why not?

Freelancing contractors, are you stuck by indecision?

Indecision about Contracting

You want to be a freelancing contractor?

Almost two-fifths of employees (39%) reported that they have considered working for themselves.

When breaking down the reasons why employees are interested in becoming a freelancer, the research found that the main factor was flexibility (49%).

This was followed by being their boss (48%) and an improved work-life balance (48%).

In addition, the research found that over three in 10 employees (33%) believe that they could make more money working for themselves.

Perceived barriers to self-employment

For those uninterested in becoming a freelancer, the research found that their main reason for not making the switch, is wanting a fixed regular income (55%), followed by job security (49%).

Further barriers for employees included not knowing where to start (36%), not having enough financial capital to set up a business (35%) and lacking confidence in their ability to work for themselves (29%).

So what

I can help you understand the barriers and guide you in the direction you want to go.

Let me show you what you need to know about running a freelancing contractor business and how to get started.

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Source: IPSE